A massive explosion has blown open a Russian laboratory housing ebola, anthrax, smallpox and other biological weapons.
“The State Research Centre of Virology and Biotechnology has said a cylinder exploded in lab which is one of two places in the world that houses the smallpox disease which has been eradicated in the world,” the Daily Star reports. “Located in Koltsovo, in the Novosibirsk region of Siberia, the site is thought to be where biological weapons have been made.”
Firefighters battled the blaze until they realized the facility houses highly contagious and deadly viruses.
While the fire would destroy any viruses in the facility, scientists note the explosion may have blown infectious agents into the air and free of the fire’s high temperatures, possibly infecting those in the area.
“That contamination zone could be 10 to a few hundred meters depending on the size of the blast and other factors such as wind speed and direction, and whether it was an airborne virus,” the Daily Star reports.
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